Top 5 Enhancements That Will Take Your Accounting to the Next Level

Top 5 Enhancements That Will Take Your Accounting to the Next Level

As a small business, it’s not uncommon to feel like you’ve hit a ceiling. Your company isn’t moving forward, your sales are stagnant, and things have gotten…well…boring. Finding the right next step for your business to break through to the next level can prove to be difficult.  

For small businesses, there are several factors holding you back. Whether it’s not having enough time to focus on your company needs, not enough insight, or not enough security, there’s a lot weighing you down. That’s why investing in technology can ease your workload and free up enough time for you to focus on growing your company.

Let’s see how these 5 software enhancements can take your business to the next level.

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How a What-If Analysis Can Strengthen Your Budget

How a What-If Analysis Can Strengthen Your Budget

No matter how much forecasting your organization does when building a budget, something always comes along throughout the year to throw a wrench in your plans. Whether it’s poor sales or funding, unplanned expenses, or market shifts–it hits when you least expect it. That’s where a what-if analysis can help you avoid a budget shortfall.

A what-if analysis is an accounting tool that is used for exploring alternative scenarios to your current budget. Let’s say you want to get an idea of how increasing your employees’ hourly pay by a dollar will change your overall budget. With a what-if analysis, you can run the numbers to find out without changing your actual budget.

A what-if analysis is perfect if you want your organization to have a better plan for the future, a faster turnaround when facing setbacks, and for knowing when to avoid potential risks. So let’s review the ways it can improve your organization.

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How Nonprofit Technology is Increasing Mission Impact

How Nonprofit Technology is Increasing Mission Impact

Technology has proven over the years to be a cost-cutting option that lets you do more with less. Surprisingly, nonprofits haven’t come to embrace it as strongly as they should. In a study done by NetChange, they reported that only 11% of nonprofits viewed their digital approach as effective. That’s not a good sign.

Funding is often difficult to come by, so it’s interesting that nonprofits are shying away from technology. On a daily basis, nonprofits are expected to expand their donor base, increase mission impact, and maintain financial security–all of which can be done without a hefty price tag. Here are just a few options that can solve all those issues while coming at little to no cost.         

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What Grantors Expect in Proposals (But Never Tell You)

What Grantors Expect in Proposals (But Never Tell You)

Anyone who’s submitted a grant proposal before knows how difficult the process can be. The application can take weeks of researching, calculating, and writing. But even then there’s no guarantee that you’ll be rewarded for your efforts. There’s a lot to gain by taking the time to apply. You just need to know what to include in your proposal. 

Since grantors don’t accept all proposals, the process can be highly competitive. Not only do you have to meet their guidelines, but if you want to obtain a popular grant, you have to go above and beyond. You need to show them that your nonprofit has more than the skills required to carry out their expectations. So before you draft your next proposal, here are a few things you should include in order to blow away their expectations.

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How Nonprofits are Fighting the Australian Bushfires

All eyes are on Australia.

Since July, wildfires have scorched 12.3 million acres across the continent with still no end in sight. The devastation has amounted to thousands of homes being consumed in the flames with reports of 28 casualties and nearly 500 million to a billion animals killed.

Support from around the world has poured in through donations, yet there’s already so much lost it will take years to regrow, repopulate, and rehabilitate. And while it might be difficult to see a glimmer of hope in this chaos, nonprofits in Australia have been stepping up to do all they can.

Here are just a few of the nonprofits that have been going above and beyond to assist the fight against the Australian bushfires.

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A Quick Guide to Nonprofit Tax Season

A Quick Guide to Nonprofit Tax Season

Tax season can be confusing for nonprofits. Even though your organization is considered “tax-exempt” by the federal government, you are still required to file paperwork and documentation to the IRS. The plus side is that unlike most for-profit businesses, your nonprofit won’t be paying taxes. 

However, filing your annual returns can be a long and arduous process. There is a lot you need to know to maintain your tax-exempt status. So whether this is your first time filing or you’re in need of a quick refresher, this should serve as a good roadmap for navigating your nonprofit’s tax season.  

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Four 2020 Conferences That Every Nonprofit Must Attend

Four 2020 Conferences That Every Nonprofit Must Attend

There are over 60 major nonprofit conferences slated for 2020. While every conference offers its own unique theme and advice, it’s impossible for you to attend all of them, especially if you’re running a nonprofit. However, if you’re interested in listening to some of the best speakers share their experiences and inform you of the latest trends, then we have the perfect list for you.

Our list gives you the 4 best nonprofit conferences you can’t miss. These conferences will give you leading advice on marketing, fundraising, technology, storytelling, and–let’s not forget–networking. On top of that, we also provide some places of interest near the conference centers for you to venture out and explore when you have some downtime.

With that said, let’s see the 4 conferences every nonprofit must attend in 2020!

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How to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign with Facebook Donate

There’s no doubt how vital Facebook has become for nonprofits. Its platform serves as a means for reaching out to supporters, volunteers, and–as of recently–collecting donations. With over a billion people logging in each day, nonprofits can’t afford to overlook the social network, especially when it comes to crowdfunding. 

Even with how many people use Facebook, it doesn’t mean you’re going to hit the jackpot right away. If you want to run a successful crowdfunding campaign, you need to know how to stand out. Here are some tips on how you can maximize your search rate, your appeal, and stand out in a crowd of posts so your organization can find success. 

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How to Keep Donors Engaged with Your Nonprofit

If you’re scratching your head wondering why your donor retention rates are so low, join the club. Almost every nonprofit struggles to keep people from jumping ship. In fact, donor retention has averaged around 43% while donor attrition has remained steady at 57%. That means getting donors to stay onboard will always be an uphill battle.

That doesn’t mean you should surrender though. Donor retention can lead to stronger relationships in the community, an increase in funding, and more success with your mission. Because retaining donors can be difficult, it should be a top priority to do all you can to stay committed to your base. These 4 tips are intended to help you keep your donors engaged with your mission.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Ethical Fundraising for Nonprofits

Do’s and Don’ts of Ethical Fundraising for Nonprofits

All of us develop bad habits over time without thinking about it. Whether it’s chewing on your pen, playing with your hair, or saying the word, “like,” like two-hundred times a day–we all do it. As the saying goes, “Old habits die hard.” While that may be true, when it comes to nonprofits, bad habits in fundraising can have disastrous impacts.

Since nonprofits are reliant on fundraising, it’s easy to lose sight of which fundraising tactics are ethical and which ones aren’t. The point of ethical fundraising is to pay respect to your donors, build trust among the general public, and promote transparency; which leads to better retention rates among donors and, hopefully, a higher revenue stream.

To maintain an ethical approach to your fundraising, you need to follow certain guidelines. Here are a few do’s and don’ts of fundraising to ensure you maintain trust with your donors.

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